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BD Difco™ Salmonella O Antisera and Quality Control Antigens

Marke:  BD 211780

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Artikelnummer. 11758153

  • 605.00 € / 3mL
Estimated Shipment: 26-03-2025
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Salmonella species cause a variety of human diseases called salmonelloses. The range of disease is from mild self-limiting gastroenteritis to more severe forms, possibly with bacteremia or typhoid fever, which can be life threatening. Hence diagnosis and identification of correct serotype is essential. These antisera aid in detecting such serotypes and the quality control antigens check their performance.

  • Lyophilized, polyclonal rabbit antisera
  • Polyvalent, specific for somatic antigens
  • Cross-reactions are possible because serogroups may share non-major group antigens
  • When properly rehydrated and used as recommended, each vial contains sufficient reagent for 60 tests
  • For in vitro diagnostic use
  • containing approximately 0.2% sodium azide as a preservative



For in vitro diagnostic use


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BD Difco™ Salmonella O Antisera and Quality Control Antigens > Salmonella O Antiserum Group J Factor 17

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