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Applied Biosystems™ GeneScan™ 120 LIZ™ dye Size Standard

The GeneScan™ 120 LIZ™ Size Standard is a five dye-labeled size standard that is designed for reproducible sizing of small fragment analysis data.

Brand:  Applied Biosystems™ 4324287

Product Code. 15839766

  • 958.00 € / Each
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Includes: Contains 9 single stranded labeled DNA fragments
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The GeneScan™ 120 LIZ™ Size Standard is a five dye-labeled size standard that is designed for reproducible sizing of small fragment analysis data.

GeneScan™ 120 LIZ™ Size Standard is designed for sizing DNA fragments in the 15-120 nucleotides range and provides nine single-stranded labeled fragment of: 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 62, 80, 110 and 120 nucleotides. The sizing curve generated from these short fragments make the GeneScan™ 120 LIZ™ Size Standard ideal for use with the ABI Prism SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit as well as other short fragment analysis applications. Each of the DNA fragments is labeled with the LIZ™ fluorophore which results in a single peak when run under denaturing conditions. With the 5th dye LIZ™ your marker fragments can be labeled with the dyes FAM™, VIC™, NED™ or PET™.

Since the standard is labeled with the fifth dye, you can genotype a greater number of markers in a given lane, compared to the four-dye system.

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Contains 9 single stranded labeled DNA fragments. Store the kit at 2° to 8°C. (Do not freeze).
GeneScan, LIZ
800 reactions
3730xl DNA Analyzer, 3730 DNA Analyzer, 3500 Series Genetic Analyzers, SeqStudio Flex Series Genetic Analyzers, SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
Dye Size Standard
800 Reactions
Gel Pack
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.