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Cytiva Sephadex™ G-25 Media

Use of Sephadex™ is well established as a gel filtration medium for desalting and buffer exchange in industrial applications. Cytiva Life Sciences™ Sephadex™ G-25 Media quickly desalts, removes contaminants and transfers to a new buffer in a single step.

Brand:  Cytiva 17-0033-02

1577.00 EUR valid until 2025-02-21
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Product Code. 10669455

  • 1660.00 € / 500g
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Established medium for desalting and buffer exchange

  • Gel filtration medium
  • Available in coarse, medium, fine and superfine grades
  • All grades satisfy process-scale chromatography requirements
  • Available in lab packs or prepacked columns


  • Working pH range: 2 to 13
  • Bed volume (in distilled water): 4 to 6mL/g
  • Fractionation range dextrans/globular proteins: 1× 102 to 5 × 103 / 1 × 103 to 5 × 103 Mr
  • Max. flowrate/operating pressure: the beads behave as rigid spheres obeying Darcy's Law



500 g
38 to 235 μm (Wet Form), >50 μm (Dry Form)
Sephadex G-25 Media
11.81 in.
>100 cm/h, pressure drop cm H2O/bed height=2, bed height 30 cm, 2.6 cm i.d.
Cross-linked Dextran
>100 cm/hr.
4 to 6mL/g in Distilled Water
Solid Spherical Bead
Desalting and Buffer exchange and removal free label in industrial applications
2 to 13
4 to 30°C, dry resins. Used resins 4 to 8 °C in 20% Ethanol or 0.01 M NaOH
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