Purification columns and filter spin columns that are prepacked or designed to be packed with desalting resins, agarose beads, and other affinity supports for use in centrifuge/microcentrifuge or gravity-flow chromatography procedures.
Empty drip columns (0.5 to 5 mL) with matching frits and caps for packing beaded affinity or desalting resins to use in gravity-flow purification techniques.
Empty drip columns (0.5 to 5 mL) with matching frits and caps for packing beaded affinity or desalting resins to use in gravity-flow purification techniques.
Empty drip columns (0.5 to 5 mL) with matching frits and caps for packing beaded affinity or desalting resins to use in gravity-flow purification techniques.
Empty drip columns (0.5 to 5 mL) with matching frits and caps for packing beaded affinity or desalting resins to use in gravity-flow purification techniques.
Convenient and rapid cleanup with high reproducibility and the potential for high throughput by running multiple samples in parallel, High desalting capacity, The use of centrifugation protocol with all gravity columns.
Convenient and rapid cleanup with high reproducibility and the potential for high throughput by running multiple samples in parallel, High desalting capacity, The use of centrifugation protocol with all gravity columns.
Additional silica membrane columns for use with the NucleoSpin™ Plant II kit for rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant samples with higher yield and quality.
Pack these empty 0.5 to 10 mL spin columns with agarose beads to perform small-scale affinity purification methods in 15- or 50-mL conical microcentrifuge tubes.
Fisher Scientific Edge Order before 2 pm dispatch today Order after 2 pm dispatch tomorrow Learn More
Empty drip columns (0.5 to 5 mL) with matching frits and caps for packing beaded affinity or desalting resins to use in gravity-flow purification techniques.
Fisher Scientific Edge Order before 2 pm dispatch today Order after 2 pm dispatch tomorrow Learn More
Pack these empty 0.5 to 10mL spin columns with agarose beads to perform small-scale affinity purification methods in microcentrifuge, 15mL conical or 50mL conical tubes.
Thermo Scientific™ POROS™ GoPure™ AAVX 96-well screening plates contain POROS CaptureSelect AAVX Affinity Resin and provide a versatile platform for sample preparation, handling, and analysis.