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Cell Biology
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IBA Lifesciences

IBA Lifesciences provides high performance research tools for cell and protein isolation based on their proprietary Strep-tag™ technology. Their product portfolio offers solutions for the entire production chain of recombinant proteins, from cloning, transfection, protein expression and purification to detection, immobilization and assays, as well as innovative cell isolation and expansion tools.


IBA's Cell Selection and Expansion

TACS - Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Fab-TACS™ technology perfectly combines the benefits of positive and negative cell selection:

  • High purity, yield and viability
  • Label-free, non-activated cells due to fully reversible binding
  • From whole blood, buffy coat, PBMCs or murine samples
  • Affinity chromatographic, magnetic or fluorescent cell separation
TACS - Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

MHC I Streptamer™

Detection and isolation of antigen-specific T-cells with MHC I Streptamers™:

  • Label-free cell isolation according to antigen specificity
  • High specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility
  • From single cell suspensions (e.g., PBMCs or murine samples)
  • Affinity chromatographic, magnetic or fluorescent cell separation
MHC I Streptamer™

Cell Stimulation and Expansion

CD3: CD28 Streptamers™:

  • Completely reversible reagents
  • Termination of stimulation at any given point in time
  • Adjustable CD3: CD28 ratio 
  • Bead-free

Peptides for T-Cell Stimulation:

  • Purity >85%
  • Endotoxin-free
Cell Stimulation & Expansion

Fluorescent Cell Staining

Detection of antigen-specific T-cells with MHC I Streptamers™ and of receptor-specific T-cells with Fab Streptamers™:

  • Fully reversible
  • High specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility
  • No leftover staining reagents on the cells after FACS sorting
  • Optimal preservation of cell effector function
  • Improved viability of cells
Fluorescent Cell Staining
1x1 image pixel for data collection
1x1 image pixel for data collection

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